Keep in mind that the fin can be hard to see on fish that are vertical, so try adjusting the camera position to check first. Great White Sharks will only appear from the shadows with a dorsal fin, so there is no point in catching fish without one if looking for it. The Great White Shark will appear as a large shadow with a dorsal fin protruding through the water. The Great White Shark can be found in the sea on the player's island or on Mystery Islands.

This fish can only be found from 4 PM to 9 AM, meaning that players will either need to catch it in the evening or early in the morning. This means that players who live in the Southern Hemisphere who have not caught a Great White Shark already will need to either travel to a friend's island in the Northern Hemisphere or wait for December to roll back around. The Great White Shark is available in the Northern Hemisphere from June until September and in the Southern Hemisphere from December to March.